Verterim’s Predict is an AI-powered tool, trained on specific frameworks like NIST and DORA, that helps users evaluate risks and issues against controls faster than ever before. It automatically identifies noncompliance and presents the top 10 relevant controls for cross-referencing, streamlining the compliance process and aligning with multiple controls efficiently and accurately.
Predict also simplifies compliance reporting. Whether used as a stand-alone solution or integrated with GRC platforms, it delivers fast, accurate insights for improved compliance and risk analysis.
Evaluate risks and issues against controls, identifying noncompliance automatically for frameworks like NIST, DORA, ISO and more
Understand the top 10 relevant controls for efficient cross-referencing and alignment
Simplify compliance reporting, enhancing risk management and compliance efforts
Functions as a stand-alone solution or integrates with leading GRC platforms like ArcherIRM, offering fast and accurate insights
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